ABOUT The Society

The Society

The Richard Wagner Society was founded in Victoria by a small and dedicated group of enthusiasts in 1981. It was incorporated in 1985. The Society aims to encourage the performance of Wagner's music and to increase the knowledge and appreciation of his life and works and those of his contemporaries. It provides a focus for lovers of Wagner's music and opportunities to meet and talk with those of a like mind. The Society is a member of the International Wagner Society, the headquarters of which are in Bayreuth.

The Society provides a varied programme of events, including lectures, recitals and films, group discussions. Friendly and lively discussions are a feature of our meetings which always include refreshments. Wagner's birthday, 22nd May, is celebrated with a dinner or luncheon each year.

Under its Rules, the business of the Society is managed by a Committee comprising a President, Secretary, Treasurer and six other members, all of whom are elected every two years.


The Society is proud of its record of financial support to Australian productions of Wagner's operas. Further, one of the Society's objects is to encourage and assist singers and musicians who display interest in and ability to perform Wagner's music. To encourage donations to enable the Society to continue its patronage, the Special Productions Fund has been established. Donations to the Fund are tax-deductible.

If you wish to make a donation, you can do so here: Donations


Registration as a Charity

The Richard Wagner Society Inc. is a recognised charity and is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

You can view the Society's details on the ACNC Register at the ACNC web site here: ACNC Register


Edward Bourke



Peter Hebbard



Nicholas Bird


Committee Members

Gavin Cornish Melissa Hebbard